
Women @ Work: Can Startups Level The Playing Field? – Infographic

Mashable, 04/16/2012

5 responses to “Women @ Work: Can Startups Level The Playing Field? – Infographic

  1. These statistics are eye-opening.

  2. I am amazed with the numbers women owning parts of businesses in a Mans world.

  3. Sometimes, you just have no choice. Why wait for a job to open up when you can make your own job? I did. My quilted baby shoes business is small, but I love doing it every day!

    • That’s awesome, Chris. Business is business, small or big, there is not much difference. Except that people believe, the bigger, the better. It is easier to be a big shot in the corporate world, than running a small business. Keep doing what you doing and enjoy it, you never know what comes out of it. Good luck!

  4. Gute infos, danke.

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